There might be occasions in which you find yourself wanting to return your order back to us. Whether this is because you end up not loving the product as much as you had previously expected or because there is another reason for your order not being appreciated anymore, that is up to you. No matter what reason you might have, you have the right to cancel your order within 14 days after you have received it. Within this time range, you do not have to explain the return of your order to us.

After the cancellation of your order, you have another 14 days to ship the product back to us. You will receive the price of products back from us. Only the cost of the return from your home back to our webshop are for your own account. Consult your transporter of choice for information about this price. In case you use your right of withdrawal, the product will – if reasonably possible – be returned to the sender in the exact same state and packaging as it was shipped in in the first place. To use this right, please contact us via We will then return to you the price of your full order within 14 days after the notice of your returned product, provided that we have received the complete returned order in in its original state.

In case the product you received was damaged, or the packaging was damaged so much you were unable to use the product when you got it, we will calculate your loss of value to compensate your price. Therefore, we ask you to carefully handle the product and make sure that it is well-packed when returning it to us.