1. Plant the peony 2 centimetres deep with their noses pointing up, not any deeper
  2. Plant the peony on a spot in the garden where they can stand in the sun for at least half a day. 
  3. Plant the peony on a nutritious garden soil with enough organic materials. 
  4. The peony is a greedy plant. Make sure that there is enough nutrition and water. A spot in your garden where other plants flourish will be sufficient. 
  5. The first year after planting, the peony will be on the small side, the second and third year she will reach full maturity.

What will you get from us

The peony you will receive from us is part of the root structure of a peony that has been harvested in September. This peony is too big and obsolete to wrap up and ship in their entirety. Carefully, they will be cut apart by hand after which the bigger parts with 3 to 5 ‘eyes’ are delivered to our nursery. Smaller pieces with 2 or 3 eyes are sometimes sold as well, but they are less strong and will produce a smaller plant. These ‘eyes’ are also called ‘noses’ or ‘sprouts’ and are the meristems from which the new stems and flowers will grow next year. 

Planting the peony 

Plant the peony as quickly as possible when she is delivered to your home. A peony is a perennial plant and feels most at home in soil. Make sure the meristems are pointing upright and that there is no more than 2 centimeters of soil on the noses. Planting the peony too deep will cause a significantly smaller lant with less or no flowers, especially in the first year. Please remember this, planting too deep is a common mistake. 

Where to plant the Peony 

Plant the peony on a spot in the garden where she can stand in the sun for at least half a day. Never plant a peony on a spot where another peony has stood because she will not do well there. One of the reasons for this is that a peony secretes a material that prevents peony seeds from sprouting around the plant. Another theory is that the previous peony has used all the nutrition from the soil at this spot. The peony prefers a humus-rich soil. Be generous with compost and other organic fertilizers.


There are two different types of peonies available on our website: the Paeony Lactiflora and the Itoh Paeony, which are described below.

The Paeony lactiflora 

The Paeony lactiflora is the peony that most people already know. It is the common garden peony and the peony that is sold as a cut flower in flower shops in late spring. By far, most of the peonies that we offer on our website are this type of peony. Originally, she comes from the Far East, but she has been part of European gardens for as long as we can remember. A trustworthy plant that does not require much regarding planting spot and soil type. If she can stand in the sun for at least half a day, and is provided with enough nutrition and water, she can last a lifetime. 

The Itoh Paeony

The so-called Itoh Peony, or intersectional peony, is a much newer peony. She was hybridized in the fifties by the Japanese Mr. Toichi Itoh. He made a crossing between two different peonies from different sections of the Oeony family: The Paeony lactiflora and the Paeonia suffruticosa, better known as the Tree Peony. The Paeonia suffruticosa looks more like a deciduous shrub. During winter, a leafless woody plant remains above the soil. Between the seedlings of this crossing, that unfortunately, Mr Toichi Itoh never lived to see in bloom, were peonies that are excellent for garden planting, just like the Paeonia lactiflora. Another similarity to the Paeonia lactiflora is that they hibernate underground and get through winter without any problems. The Itoh Paeony shows an amazingly beautiful plant with elegant leaves and big flowers that we have not seen before on other common.