Silver Parrot
Tulipa Silver Parrot
€9.95 Per 20 pieces
Silver Parrot
Belkmerweg 20
Belkmerweg 20
1754 GB Burgerbrug
Always true-to-name.
Best price per bulb.
Sometimes it is not that easy for me to get excited about a somewhat older Tulip that I have been seeing around for several years. It is not as if I do not enjoy this Tulip anymore, no definitely not - they just start to get very ordinary after seeing them very often. For me, this is what happened with the Tulip Silver Parrot. Ever since bulb grower Huijg from Breezand introduced this Tulip in 1999, I have seen her every spring multiple times. The first time that I saw her it was really a WOW-moment for me. Now, after many years, it appears that the wow-factor slowly disappeared. Nevertheless, Silver Parrot is - or should be - still as beautiful as when I first saw it. Last year, Huigh had given me some of its bulbs to try out in the show garden of Fluwel, in which we plant all the species of the Fluwel website each year, and the reactions were overwhelmingly positive. The visitors of the show garden are the ones that pointed out the beauty of Silver Parrot to me again and that made me realize how special this Tulip actually is. The patterning of the colors and the shape of the flower is so unique that it can barely be seen on any other Tulips. Undeniably, in full bloom, Silver Parrot is a beauty and the silver lining embracing each leave makes the Tulip stand out even more. Silver Parrot, an older but still amazing Tulip.