Gloxinia Tigre Red
“Everything becomes fluid under pressure” is a winged expression that I love to use when we are pressed for time with any kind of chore. But it does not seem like this is applicable to the ink of my pen. It is already a quarter past half too late and there still is no letter on my paper. Can I still do it, or have the best pears been picked.

Dahlia French Cancan
There need to be a lot of texts written for the new Dahlias that will be introduced this year and which will become available on Sunday February 27th. If I remember correctly, there will be almost 40 new Dahlias. Oh dear, they all need a nice little text that makes you want to chuck them in your shopping basket. But oh well, that will happen anyways even when there is a text missing here and there, and at least we always have the pictures.
Dahlia Yvonne
That reminds me of Dahlia Yvonne. When I put the Dahlias into the system for the web shop and I cannot find a photo right away, I always use this photo as a temporary replacement. Just a beautiful picture with, next to the windmill in the back, our house with the sunny coastal village of Petten behind it. This happened last year as well when I was putting in the details of Yvonne. But the funny thing is, I totally forgot about her and when I finally realized that she was on the website without a picture (and without a text) she was already sold out. Well that felt like getting praise for my job.. offering all kinds of products with proper photos and texts and then Yvonne shows up to let me know it was all unnecessary and works perfectly without… a catastrophe. This year, there is a picture of Yvonne on the website, of course I had the pictures, I like her very much. But if you want to see what she looks like, you will have to check it out for yourself.

Dahlia Edge of Joy
But let’s get real now, as the text above illustrates, the Dahlias have gained some popularity over the past few years. Last year, you had to rush to the website to get a good selection of Dahlias for your garden; the Dahlias went online on a Saturday at midnight, and when I woke up at Sunday morning the first few had been sold out already. I do not wish to get on your nerves, but it would be a pity if you, dear readers, are Dahlia lovers and miss out on the good stuff. Thus, keep an eye out on Sunday the 27th if you like Dahlias.

Dahlia Sweet Surprise
Because writing is not really working out for me right now, I would like to share a nice reaction I got to the newsletter of two weeks ago. In this newsletter with the title “The Winter Blues’ I showed you some photos of Amaryllis seedlings that will only be available in the future. This was the response I got from Eric (translated from Dutch):
Dear Carlos,
Thanks for the winter tip. Because of the uneasy greediness that is brought up by all the beauty and temptations from your letter – not only with me but undoubtedly also with many others – I would like to give you a tip in retour:
Undoubtedly, there were some beautiful varieties selected by Marco Penning and associates three years ago as well. Undoubtedly, three years ago you were interested in these too. And undoubtedly, you took photos then? Why not show us the delicacies of three years ago – that are (thank god) available now – in the newsletter?! That would be better for my inner peace and your company’s position. Why choose this form of gloating while a lot of people are already struggling?
Right now, you are forcing me to archive your newsletters at least for three years, and to reread them with a delay of three years, to put money aside for it to be available in three years time, to have fluwel.nl as my favorite browser for at least three years, to have suitable spots reserved in my garden for three years, and.. and.. and..
While writing I am wondering if you even realize what you and your thoughtless newsletter, full of childish and professional enthusiasm, are doing to people that one day were happy customers of Fluwel? In short, you are being thanked for the winter blues that you are giving me right now, and which will possibly even last three years. And then you dare to place a slogan on the website that ‘buying flower bulbs is a matter of trust…’
Ehh, and when will there be the newsletter about Camassie and Ornithogalum that you promised?
Thank you, and regards,
Eric Epping
Motto in times of covid:
“Better to have a faraway friend than a good neighbor’’.
I do not know the good man but this did make me laugh a lot. I responded the following:
Hello Eric,
Oh oh, when answering your reaction I will have to work cautiously and carefully consider every word before writing them down. You have a very though life, how terrible… and then the newsletter… how horrible everything is… The best reaction I ever got to a newsletter.
But I have a question, could I use your message in my next newsletter?
Than I can show my readers what I have to through and how complicated everything actually is for me ☺.
Kind regards,
This is what I got back from Eric:
HAHA Carlos, like lightning from a clear sky, my winter blues are gone! Some companies are my favorite because they deliver quality products, some are because they maintain unique contact with customers, and others because they deliver crocuses as yellow as butter when you ordered blue. You tick all the boxes!
Yes of course you may use that message, as long as it is about the Camassia, Nerine, and Ornithogalum. I am curious how you will survive the rest of winter..
Have a nice evening!
Through this way Eric wants to say that with customers like him, I get through winter smiling, and I have a very good life. Camassia, Ornithogalum, and Nerine will definitely get their turn some time Eric.
Amaryllis Aquarel, an eyecatcher in my greenhouse.
And just like that, I got my 1000 words put together and that while I actually was trying to tell you about the Gloxinia. Well, that will be the cliffhanger for this week then.