What a remarkable year. Luckily, we are able to send out the orders from the Fluwel website, but other than that the warehouse is empty. The girls from the office are working from home and all the visitors we were expecting have cancelled their appointments.

In other, busy years, I would sometimes find myself wishing I would have just a few hours alone to select and judge my seedlings, but now that I have been doing that for an entire week I have noticed it is not that much fun on your own.

Carlos zaailingen

But we have to get through this and make the best of it, it is what it is. If everyone follows the advice of the government, we can defeat this virus together. Let’s make sure corona does not get any more chances to spread!



Luckily it is spring, a great time of year to spend time in the garden, especially with the weather we have seen these past few days. I do think about the people living in the city without a garden attached to their home. But, if you do have a garden, use this time to make the best of it!



This is a good time to plant your summer-flowering bulbs and tubers. If you plant your Dahlias now, make sure they do not get affected by the nightly frost. To give your Dahlias the best possible care, you can always read the information on the Fluwel website.



You are very welcome to have a look at my web shop. There is still a beautiful assortment of summer-flowering bulbs and tubers.

But most of all, stay safe and take care of yourself and those around you.

Kind regards,

Carlos van der Veek