Tulipa Merlot
€9.30 Per 20 pieces
Belkmerweg 20
Belkmerweg 20
1754 GB Burgerbrug
Always true-to-name.
Best price per bulb.
A name totally to my liking, as well the grape Merlot, and of course the great wine made of it, and the Merlot I think are superb. But also the descriptions on the wine bottles where the Merlot grape is used in are astonishing good.
You could say about the Merlot Tulip that she has an intense ruby colour and diffuses a delicate odour of violins. That she is grown on the slightly acid acres of the beautiful, by salty sea wind harassed, polder Zijpe and that she goes very well together with grape hyacinths and other blue bloomed bulbous plants.
But hé, we bulbfarmers are not sprinkled with romance like the winegrowers and we just say she is pretty and good.