Narcissus Snipe
€8.50 Per 20 pieces
Belkmerweg 20
Belkmerweg 20
1754 GB Burgerbrug
Always true-to-name.
Best price per bulb.
A daffodil for the real fanciers. She was introduced in Wales in the year 1948 and since then she has travelled the whole world, being traded by many daffodil lovers. However, nobody has ever grown her on a larger scale to bring her on the mainstream market. Odd, because this small daffodil is certainly worth exposing to a larger public. She is so elegant, everyone who sees her wants her. Besides her elegance she is a grateful daffodil who rewilds very well. I have been growing Snipe for years for English mail order companies who sell her to Daffodil and rock garden plant enthusiasts. The demand is always bigger than the supply, so I have trouble growing enough for the Fluwel web shop.
You could imagine that I was very happy and surprised when I saw a vase of this Daffodil on the desk of a Hyacinth trader. ‘Snipe?’ I asked surprised ‘where did you get that?’ to which he answered: ‘How do you know this Daffodils name? Nobody grows her or knows her name’. This is how I found out that one of the larger flower bulb growers, is also growing quite a big stock of snipe. When I visited him, he told me why; they do it so well in flowerpots. ‘In the winter months’, he told me, ‘We grow Hyacinths and Daffodils on flowerpots, to go to the flower auction, but we also sell a few in our small garage store. Years ago, we bought some Snipe bulbs from your father, and after growing them for a few years it turned out to be the most popular little Daffodil in our store by far. That is why we have a stock, to grow for our own store’. I immediately asked him to sell me some, if he would ever have some to spare, because I have been trying to grow enough to sell on the Fluwel website for years, without any luck. That can be arranged, he said with a smile, put them on your website, I have more than enough.
I am glad to be able to offer you Snipe from now on.